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Privacy Statement for Saginaw Valley State University

本在线隐私声明旨在告知您本网站(“本网站”)收集信息的方式, the uses to which that information will be put, and the ways in which we protect the information you choose to provide us.


Use of this Site is subject to all applicable state and federal laws, as well as general University policies.

Information Collected

本网站收集两类信息:(a)您自愿提供给我们的信息, which may include personal information (such as your name, address, e-mail address, etc.), (b)您通过cookie访问本网站时我们自动收集的信息, third party tracking technologies and server logs. 

Information Voluntarily Provided by You

本网站只收集您在知情情况下自愿提供的个人信息, for example, responding to surveys, completing inquiry forms, sending e-mails, etc.  本网站的一般做法是仅将个人信息用于要求的目的和本网站明确规定的任何其他用途.  However, 通过本网站收集的信息可能受到大学对传票作出回应的义务的约束, court orders, discovery requests, and requests for public records under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act.  Further, 通过本网站收集的信息的披露须遵守《云顶国际》的规定 & Privacy Act.   

大学亦可查阅或准许查阅透过本网站收集的资料,但须符合及受限于 University’s Internet and Network Resources Acceptable Use Policy

Security of your Personal Information

虽然本网站有适当的安全措施来保护用户提供给我们的个人信息, users should also take steps to protect personal information by, for example, closing all web browsers after using the Site.  Information disclosed in chat rooms, news groups, forums, message boards and similar contexts may become public.  因此,用户在此类情况下披露个人信息时应谨慎行事.

当您在本网站进行金融交易时,您可能会被要求提供信用卡号码.  Unless otherwise noted on the Site, 信用卡交易是加密的,处理信用卡信息的服务器是安全的.  这些信息也可以以加密格式保存或保存在受防火墙系统保护的内部系统中. This Site complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.

Updating Personal Information

You may correct, update, or remove the personal information provided to us through the use of the Site. In particular: 

  • Student and alumni contact information listed in the Directory Lookup - to change personal information in the student and alumni people directory, visit
  • Faculty, staff, and retiree contact information listed in the Directory Lookup -在教职工和退休人员目录中更改个人信息,访问

Information We Collect Automatically

This Site collects information automatically through the use of cookies, third party tracking technologies and server logs.  This information does not include any personal information.  我们使用这些信息主要是为了监控本网站的使用情况并进行改进.  我们可能会与合作伙伴共享这些数据,以增强本网站的功能. 


“Cookies” are small text files used to collect information about website activity.  No personal information is collected through our use of cookies.  本网站使用cookie有两个主要目的:(a)将您当前在本网站的会话信息从一个网页传送到另一个网页, 它还可以让你自动登录到云顶国际的其他网站, and (b) to identify you on this Site on return visits. 

您可以通过更改浏览器的首选项来选择禁用或不接受cookie.  如果您选择禁用cookie,您仍然可以使用我们网站的某些部分. 但是,您将无法使用本网站任何需要登录的部分(例如.g. accessing secured content, posting to message boards, etc).

Third Party Tracking Technology

该大学的网站使用谷歌分析,谷歌公司提供的网络分析服务. (“Google”). We also use Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, 这是谷歌分析广告报告功能的一部分. Google分析使用cookie(如上所述)来帮助网站分析用户如何使用网站. 由cookie生成的有关您使用网站的信息(可能包括您的IP地址)将传输给谷歌并由谷歌存储.  通过谷歌分析收集的网站使用数据不会与其他谷歌产品和工具共享.  我们对Google Analytics(分析)的使用符合Google的服务条款和 SVSU’s Records Policy.  Google provides 更多云顶国际谷歌隐私惯例的信息,以及如何退出谷歌分析的信息 tracking of your web browsing. 


The University uses this information for Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, or Google Analytics Advertising Reporting Features. The university and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize and serve ads based on someone’s past visits to the university websites.

The university and third-party vendors, including Google, 使用第一方cookie和第三方cookie,当访问者访问其他网站时,向以前访问过大学网站的访问者显示特定内容的广告.

The university and third-party vendors, including Google, 使用第一方cookie和第三方cookie一起报告访问者的广告印象, 广告服务的其他使用以及与这些广告印象和广告服务的互动与访问大学网站有关.

该大学使用的数据来自谷歌基于兴趣的广告或第三方受众数据(如年龄), gender and interests) with Google Analytics to report, optimize and deliver interest-based advertisements.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

为安全起见,并确保所有访客仍可使用本网站, 大学使用软件监控网络流量,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息的企图, or otherwise cause damage.

大学收集有关您在本网站的互联网连接的非个人信息, including but not limited to:

  • 互联网协议(IP)和您用来访问互联网的互联网域名的名称
  • the IP address or URL of the website from which you directly linked to this website
  • the date and time you accessed this website
  • the pages visited on this website
  • the browser and operating system you used to access this website
  • the search terms used on our search engines



This Site may contain links to other sites. 请注意,我们无法控制或要求对此类其他网站的隐私做法或内容承担任何责任. We encourage users to read the privacy statements of each website they visit.


Our users are given the opportunity to receive communications from us.  However, at this time this Site does not manage or send communications.

Changes to Privacy Statement



Neither Saginaw Valley State University nor any of its offices, programs, employees, agents or individual trustees, 对通过使用本网站获得的信息的任何不当或不正确使用承担责任.


By using this Site you consent to the terms of this privacy statement.

Questions and feedback

Your questions, comments and concerns are always welcome.  Please send us your feedback regarding the privacy statement or any other issues at